"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop" - Herbert Stein Ten years ago this August, the French bank BNP Paribas froze three funds exposed to US subprime mortgages, an event many consider to be the beginning of the financial crisis. In "celebration" of the 10 year anniversary, I wanted to share some concerning observations from global fixed income markets: Since the beginning of the year, the yield curve has flattened The 2s10s treasury spread went from 125 bps to 87 bps today The Fed dot plot implies 1 more 25 bp rate hike in 2017, and 3 more 25 bp rate hikes in 2018 That makes 100 bps over the next 16 months, the long end better go up.... Flattening yield curves usually precede recessions Global Debt is a 325% of GDP Corporate Debt levels are 30% higher today than in 2008 Corporate Debt to GDP is at its highest point in history NACM (National Association of Credit Management) have cited deteriorating credit conditions since 2014 The IMF re...