"The Germans make everything difficult, both for themselves and everyone else" - Goethe The German economic machine has many admirers. They seem to operate in a beautiful fusion of capitalism and socialism resulting in a cohesive and productive society. Their European counterparts run unsustainable budget deficits, while Germany registers a capital surplus (greater than even China's). The southern periphery struggles with a rigid labor system; Germany's dynamism and highly touted apprenticeship programs churn out productive workers. Unemployment in Germany is under 4%, while in Greece it is over 23%. In the United States, the problem is not so much the lack of jobs but the lack of worker skills to fill open jobs. Many look to German training programs as a future model. In an age of blustering politicians who accomplish little, Angela Merkel is commended for holding the fabric of Europe together while taking tactical risks. She has navigated bailing out insolvent Eu...