During the past few years, as investors have searched for yield, private equity provided attractive returns in exchange for illiquidity risk. Regulations stifling Sales & Trading at big banks, combined with passive investing outperforming active has driven talented young financiers into the private equity field in search of riches. Despite the recent financial deregulation push from the Trump administration – during the 2016 election it seemed both candidates agreed on getting rid of the “carried interest loophole” – the holy grail for private equity investors. Is this a threat to the private equity industry? The current carried interest tax rate is the same as the capital gains tax rate of 20% (was 15% throughout the 2000s as part of the George W. Bush tax cuts and was increased by 5% in 2013 as part of a broader deal to raise the US debt ceiling) Theory for carried interest: Same as theory for a lower tax on capital gains: In ex...